当前位置:酷我小说>科幻灵异>阳间巡游> 第二卷.镇压群雄 第二八三章.一级戒备
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第二卷.镇压群雄 第二八三章.一级戒备(2 / 2)


“Shit, this Luo's attack is so heavy.”</p>





“Oh, this damned dragon group, it's better to start first. Damn it, has the matter of transp arms to Japan been discovered? damn! Somebody! Hoowers be mobilized in the SAR aes?”</p>



“President, there are 14000 Level C, 2100 B, 56 A, 11 S and 2 SS. Ag to the film demon John POCAS, their ack site is likely to be binjuganya.Binjugularia has an S-level 1, ed flash point JaME, ability blink. Class a five, ed serpent Hilson Millard, power poison. Heidrin Joa</p>

nna, ed Hawkeye, has the ability to see far. Horson Hannibal, the gopher, escape. Edsytaed doctor thousand knives. Beck araed mucus, liquid powers.”</p>


“After the oes oandby powers in bihe first level of alert. Pay attention to the group of six men and two womehem is an A-level power. He is wanted. If he is arrested, he has a reward of 1 million M and a reward of 500 him. However, with the power of explosive fist, there are not many people who kill him.”</p>


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