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第57章 论宁静的心境(1 / 2)

 on peace of d


joshua loth lieban/约书·罗斯·李希曼

“on y head pour only the sweet waters of serenitygive the gift of the untroubled d”

once,as a young an full of exuberant fancy,i undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledd“goods”of lifeas other n tis tabute lists of properties they own or would like to own,i set down y ventory of earthly desirables:health,love,beauty,talent,power,riches,and fa

when y ventory was pleted i proudly showed it to a wise elder who had been the ntor and spiritual odel of y youthperhaps i was tryg to ipress hi with y precio wisdoanyway,i handed hi the list“this”,i told hi nfidently,“is the su of ortal goodsuld a an possess the all,he would be as a god”




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