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第8章 美丽人生(2)(1 / 2)

 the five years i’ve been walkg this patch of earth,and i‘ve vered ground but barely scratched the surfacei can tell a red spruce fro a white,na a handful of osses and lichens,regnize sarsaparil when i see it,identify ost of the birds and any of their ngsyou’d thk this would be enoughbut knog a na of a ng or the shape of a leaf is only the begng,a first,tentative step toward tiacyfallg love with the world is like fallg love with a pernbefore you know it,you‘re deep


【讲真,最近一直用咪咪阅读看书追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,iiread 安卓苹果均可。】

but how often are we told,”hurry up!”or“don’t touch!”what will happen if we slow down?what‘s the har touchg,if we’re ntle?how are we supposed to know!anythg,if not with our hands?how are we supposed to nnect?how can we tenderly caress on another if we‘ve not had the chance to cradle a seedlg or hold a tadpole or pick ripe raspberries,even as we’re scratched by thorns?how can we see the sacredness every face if we don‘t have the chance to regnize it our surroundgs?terry tepest willias writes,“our ck of tiacy with each other is direct proportion to our ck of tiacy with the ndwe have taken our love side and abandoned the wild”


a truck rubles along the a road through the vil,not a arter ile awayenty utes have passed sce the sparrow calledas i turn back toward ho,i look up jt ti to see a snowshoe hare dash to the undergrowthi wish i’d been awake enough to see hi before he spotted

“zeeeee-up!”a northern paru calls fro a taarack,and i fd hi with y bocurshe is a beautiful warbler,be-gray-green on and yellow below with a t of rt across his chestwhen he fds a ate,they‘ll weave a haocky nest fro tufts of nea,or old an’s beard,pale green lichen that ds the trees these foggy woodsthis is a begngbut what else calls the parns back to this very spot fro their terg grounds thoands of iles uth?how do they fd their way?


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